Passionate about people.
We run a number of activities during the week for the local community, suitable for a variety of age groups and backgrounds. You can view our current programmes below.
Emmanuel Playgroup
Tailor-made especially for the under 5s! Spacious carpeted hall, refreshments, baby corner, book corner, home corner, painting corner, puzzles, trucks and cars, slides, tents buggies, dressing up, soft toys and more! The list goes on! We are committed to providing a warm and friendly place for local families to meet and greet.
Admission is FREE and all are welcome.
Monday morning session: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
For more information please contact community@emmanuelchurch.org.uk
Aslan Multi Sports Club
Indoor sports and games, arts and crafts, board games and Bible exploration
Admission is FREE.
Children 5 - 11 years old
Every Friday from 3:30 - 5:30 pm during school terms only.
For more information please contact community@emmanuelchurch.org.uk or call us on 02076545619
Westminster Community
Gospel Choir
Do you love to sing, make new friends and learn fantastic songs? Then why not join the Westminster Community Gospel Choir! We’d love to welcome you into our WCGC family.
Admission is FREE for all age groups
The course runs twice a year. If you are interested in joining, please email westminster.cgc@gmail.com
Street Pastors
We regularly go out to work among the needy and homeless as Street Pastors in our local community of Westminster. This is a part of the international Street Pastors network, dedicated to serving those out late at night. We are committed to bringing the love of Jesus in practical ways to those in need.
To get involved please contact Nike Manuwa. You can also visit https://streetpastors.org/locations/westminster/ for more information.