Leading the way.
Spiritual oversight is undertaken by four pastors and assisted by many servant leaders in the church. The church as a charity is overseen by a Trustee Board who are all volunteers except the Senior Pastor.
Peter Loo
Senior Pastor
Peter ‘met’ Jesus in his first year at university in 1977, despite having a Buddhist background. He worked as a software engineer before the Lord called him to serve as the senior pastor of Emmanuel in 2008. He is married to Saw Lan and has two daughters, Sie Yan and Munn Yan. Sie Yan is married to Andrew Haslam and they have three children. Both he and Saw Lan did their Bible training at Trinity Christian Centre in Singapore. His name ‘Peter’ was given to him at his conversion and his namesake is also his life calling to be a shepherd. His passion is to see men and women come to know and love the Lord passionately and grow to become disciple makers, filled with the Holy Spirit.
Bruce Atkinson
Associate Pastor
Bruce is married to Nicola and they have two children, Jake and Charlotte. He gained his theological degree from Durham University and served as Associate Minister at Kensington Temple. He has authored four books: “Land of Hope and Glory” a “History of British revivals”; “No More Law - a study in Galatians”; “Shut Up and Show Me! - a study in James”; and “The Isaac Factor - Getting ready for more of the Holy Spirit”. His passion is to see a restoration of the fruit of the Holy Spirit alongside the gifts of the spirit.
To find Bruce’s books on Amazon please Click here
Doreen Teh
Doreen is married to Tony and has two daughters, Grace and Nicola. She came to the UK in 1979 to be trained as a nurse. She became a Pastor in 2014 focusing her ministry on Emmanuel Edgware. Her passion is to make disiciples who reach their God-directed destinies.
Richard Hindley
Pastor and Chief Operating Officer
Richard is married to Hyun-Jung and they have an adult son, John. Richard gained a mathematics degree at Oxford University and then trained as a teacher in Manchester before coming to work in a school in London. He was appointed as EEC's first bivocational pastor in April 2023. In January 2024, Richard began working full-time for the church as Chief Operating Officer, overseeing the running of the centres at Westminster and Edgware, and attends Emmanuel Edgware on Sundays. Richard describes himself as someone with a passion for service. He has a desire to see all EEC members walking in the plans and purposes which God has for them.